Breaking down a breakup: Understanding how to heal
Why are breakups hard? Breakups are hard in a way that can’t be explained. In a certain way, they might feel like freedom and new independence but on the other hand, it feels like you have lost a part of…
How Do Goodbyes Force You Out Of Your Comfort Zone?
Today is going to be a short blog. I have been dealing with a lot lately, from moving across the world, a bunch of paperwork, and our topic for the day: goodbyes. What does saying goodbye mean? Saying goodbye to…
9 tips for releasing energy
Why do we need to release energy? After some time we have some build-up energy. This is energy that isn’t flowing with you or through you. Stuck energy can lead to health issues and problems in our relationships. This stagnant…
Learn how to not feel guilty for moving away from home
August and September is the season where a lot of young people usually start leaving their childhood homes to go to work or university. These moments come with a lot of emotion not only for the young adults but for…
Re-parenting: How To Heal Your Inner Child?
What is re-parenting? When we grow up we do not always get what we need from our parents. This is not to blame them for not doing a great job, because everyone makes mistakes and no parent is perfect. But…
What happens when we break codependent relationships?
What is codependency and a codependent relationship? To be codependent is to be in the emotional and sometimes physical need of someone in your life. Codependent relationships get formed when one person needs the other to soothe their emotional needs.…
How To Accept The Wounds We Reject From Our Family?
Are you rejecting a side of your family? Sometimes there is a person in our family that we just can’t stand being around. Maybe it’s not the person but several actions that they do that you might find extremely annoying.…
Learning to let go to be better at manifesting
What is detaching or letting go? Detaching or letting go means removing from your mind any idea, belief, or emotions towards something. You can detach yourself from reality or from an outcome and you can let go of negative thoughts…
A Guide To The Inner Child Abandonment Wound
What is an inner child wound? The abandonment wound is a type of inner child wound. An inner child wound regularly comes from either big traumas or small traumas that were repeated continuously. I linked to a podcast that I…
How to overcome your limiting beliefs?
Lesson 3: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs What are limiting beliefs? Limiting beliefs are set ideas that we have in our heads that tell us what we can or can’t accomplish. It is the thermostat that we set to ourselves of how…