let go

Learning to let go to be better at manifesting

What is detaching or letting go?

Detaching or letting go means removing from your mind any idea, belief, or emotions towards something. You can detach yourself from reality or from an outcome and you can let go of negative thoughts or emotions as well as people. 

How does that apply to manifestations?

Manifesting is a way of calling to the universe to send you what you wish. In order to receive that you need to be matching the vibration of your desire which in a certain way means acting like you already have it or like it is coming towards you.

Detaching and letting go relates to manifestations in impactful ways. Hanging out to a wish or desire so much and wanting a lot implies that you do not have it and it emits a sense of lack of trust that you will receive it. That is why when we manifest it is important for us to detach ourselves from the outcome of the manifestation and let it go so that the universe can do its work. 

If you do this it means that you already expect what you desire and are not worried about it because you know and trust that it will be delivered to you when it needs to.

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Unsplash– Vanessa Kintaudi

Learning how to detach from them

Saying that we should detach ourselves from the outcomes is one thing but doing it can be really hard. Sometimes we want something really bad that it is hard to forget that we are expecting it. In order to detach from it, there are a few things that can help you. You can use certain affirmations:

“I surrender to the universe.” This phrase not only helps you let go of it but it means that you are putting the outcome in the hands of the universe which implies that you don’t have to worry about it anymore. This also helps when you can’t make a decision on something or when things start to get complicated.

“I don’t chase I attract, what belongs to me will simply find me.” This phrase explains the whole concept of letting go. It is based on knowing what you deserve and that it will come your way no matter what

“I trust, the universe is for me and so is everything else.” This one helps promote trusting the universe and knowing that it is not conspiring against you. 

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Unsplash– Prophsee Journals

You can also do more physical representations of letting go:

  • Light a candle imagining your desire and sit some minutes with it. Then blow it out like a wish sending it to the universe to send back. 
  • Write down your wishes or make a list of goals and put away the list. A while after you will look at all that you have accomplished.

A podcast recommendation

Recently I listened to a podcast of Make Shift Happen with Samantha Daily. This podcast actually inspired me to write about this. In that episode, she talks about becoming more magnetic to your desires and she gives examples about different life situations. I believe listening to it would wrap up this blog post perfectly!