releasing energy

9 tips for releasing energy

Why do we need to release energy?

After some time we have some build-up energy. This is energy that isn’t flowing with you or through you. Stuck energy can lead to health issues and problems in our relationships. This stagnant energy can generally be emotions that were not felt or expressed. When we don’t allow ourselves to feel our emotions they get stuck and they leave us feeling lousy. This is because you didn’t allow your body to function the way it is supposed to. Your body is made to feel and then release emotions.

Another reason why we need to learn how to release energy is that we sometimes hold on to other people’s energy. The energy that is not ours tends to be extra in us and unbalanced us. A way to tell if the negativity that you are feeling is not your is by asking yourself when you started feeling this way and way. If you can’t answer why you feel that way but you can pinpoint that it was after seeing a certain friend, there is your answer. You absorbed that energy from your friend and that shifted your emotional wellbeing. It is like when someone is sad around you, you start feeling sad as well or a little bit down.

The last reason to release energy is simple. That is to be more connected to yourself and what’s around you. When you have a lot of energy stuck, especially negative one, thoughts go around inside your head. This might make you feel foggy or have a lack of clarity. Releasing energy feels like clearing up that fog. It helps you connect to yourself and to what you really want. This also makes it easier to connect to a higher power and find meaning in your life.

9 ways we can release energy:

1. Dance

Dancing is a beautiful way to release energy. Movement in general is. Dance allows you to connect with your inner flow state and move the specific way your body needs you to. Women tend to store a lot of energy and emotions in their hips. That is why movements that open the hips and give them mobility allow a lot of release and relief for women.

2. Exercise

Working out requires energy. As we burn the energy needed to work out we are releasing it out of your bodies. Not only does working out provide us with some of the feel-good hormones, but we feel lighter afterward.  You might feel tired or energized but there was an energetic release. Yoga is a way of exercise that is much more releasing as it is based on stretches. As we said in dancing we store this energy in different parts of our body. And a flowing exercise like yoga allows us to be more connected in letting go of this energy.

release energy
Unsplash– Ryan Moreno

3. Crying

Crying is self-explanatory. When we cry we release our emotions. You might have heard in the past that emotions are energy in motion (e-motion). It is not meant to be stuck. When we cry we let all the energy flow out and it feels wonderful. The only problem is that crying isn’t an activity that we can do on-demand. Crying normally happens when we have an excessive amount of pent-up energy.

4. Journaling for releasing

Writing down our emotions is an easy way to release them. You are taking them out of your body and into paper. This also makes it easier to properly identify what we are feeling and to process it as well. Also if you have really negative emotions, it feels good to express those on paper as you can say whatever you want without hurting anyone. 

5. Meditating 

Meditating is more for processing energy more than releasing it I feel. Unless you seek specific meditations for release which can be really useful. It works for processing your emotions and letting go of intrusive thoughts and the energy that they bring.

6. Speaking your truth

This one is particularly important since there is a bigger focus on being yourself rather than releasing. The way you release by being yourself is that you don’t let your personality and your beautiful energy become stuck. By speaking your truth you don’t allow who you are to be repressed in any way. This way you stay true to yourself.

releasing energy
Unsplash– Geran de Klerk

7. Being in nature, groundedness

Spending time in nature is itself a way of releasing stuck energy. Nature has the property of grounding you. It can also cleanse your energy. This is why a lot of spiritual people connect with nature because not only it is a source but it becomes a calming way of coming into yourself.

8. Being yourself, self-expression

Similar to speaking your truth, your self-expression is really important. Portraying yourself to the world as you are and not with a façade means respecting yourself. By doing this you are also respecting your energy and it is harder for it to get stuck. 

9. Screaming

I believe this to be the ultimate way to release energy and I also think it is self-explanatory. When you are doing it try doing it in an appropriate space where people won’t think that you are dying.