
Protecting your energy from other people

How can your energy be affected?

When you are not on a high vibration, it can be easy to get pulled down by other people. Sometimes even if you have a high vibration, if you are not protected it can be easy to be influenced by these energies. If you are an empath or someone who tends to try to heal everyone or people-please, you might be really susceptible to other people’s energies. Have you noticed that when you are talking to someone you suddenly feel really tired and sometimes sad.This can be because the other person just absorbed all of your energy or you took all of their bad vibes. It can be easier for this to happen when you are emotionally vulnerable or when you are unaware of the other people around you.

protecting your energy
Unsplash– Ivana Cajina

Try to notice when it is you with the bad energies or other people

It can be easy to confuse yourself with what is yours and what other people have given you. For you to recognize this you first need to acknowledge what you are feeling. Then you have to get to the roots of your emotions. Ask yourself when did you start feeling this way. It can be easy to identify when these energies are not your because you can’t find a reason for feeling that way or when your suspected reason normally doesn’t make you feel that bad. It is not necessary to identify the person that gave you their energy. If you do know who they are, what I like to do is to send them back their energies, because it is not my place to deal with them. And on top of that to send them a lot of love and the good energies that you have. I believe that sending them back their energies will not affect them because it is not like you removed them, I see it more as they shared them with you. But if you are trying to share loving energies with them, make sure that you have enough for yourself first.

3 things you can do to protect your energy

1. Shower light

A shower with intention: You get in the shower and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and concentrate on the water falling on you. Next, you need to imagine that this water is full of light and love. Imagine that it has protective qualities that will put armor around you. An armor of light that will not allow other people’s energies to come in. Feel how your energy strengthens.

2. Meditate

Similar to the shower with intention, sit in your regular meditative posture and imagine a light coming from your insides. Imagine how it gets stronger and bigger while it fills you with love. Until it encapsulates you with all these goods feelings. 

3. Nature

Nature is always a good source of grounding and connecting to the universe. Feel the energy of your surroundings and how it flows through everything. Take it in with care and love. Accept the protection that you are given and harness it so it protects you.

Unsplash– Conscious Design