understanding yourself

How Does Getting To Know Yourself Help With Growth?

Lesson 2: Understanding yourself

Why do I mean by understanding yourself?

Understanding yourself means way more than just agreeing with everything you say and your motives. We have to remember that there is always an underlying reason for everything we do or say. Even if it is not thought through, subconsciously there is a process that is happening and learned responses to certain situations. When you start recognizing these patterns it becomes easier to get to the root of the behavior. You will probably find out that this behavior stems from a trauma or from your parent’s behavior. This is what I mean by understanding yourself, to truly know your reasons.

How can you understand yourself

1. Therapy

Therapy is a really good way to do this with guidance. Having an hour to talk to someone and figure yourself out can really help in the process of understanding yourself. Therapists dig into your past and guide you to come to conclusions about your patterns and behaviors.

2. Meditation

There are certain meditations designated for this. They can help you a lot to open up your heart and mind to the real you. Some meditations focus specifically on inner child healing. These will help you get in touch with that hurt part of you and slowly start to understand it and heal it. 

understanding yourself
Unsplash– fuu-j

3. Journaling

Journaling basically consists of writing how you feel down. Analyzing what you write will help you find patterns in your behavior that you don’t like and it will allow you to start making sense of how your past reflects your future.

4. Research/Reading

The internet will always be your friend for a basic start. Try reading some self-help books as well that will give you insight on why you have a certain attitude or why you act a certain way. Remember to be careful where you get your information from the internet. Make sure it is a reputable source.

5. Spirituality

Spiritual practice has helped me so much to ground myself. This way I can also connect to the other parts of me that are afraid or trying to protect me like my ego. This can be limiting, so understanding your ego will allow you to be more open to ideas and to figure out who you really are.


Getting to know yourself is not a fast process. It is something that never ends because as you grow up you learn more and you shift into being someone with more knowledge. Even though it is a process that keeps on going and you might be discouraged. Learning more about yourself can help you become the person that you have always wished to be. It will also make your life easier because who you are and how you react will make a lot more sense.