
What to do when you can’t afford therapy?

To go to therapy is a privilege. It is something the big majority of the world can’t afford. This is important to recognize, those that who get to go to therapy have a big privilege because it is important help, that you get to improve your life. It really seems unfair that only those who already have a hold of their financial life get to afford it.

For example, I don’t work, my mom doesn’t work and my father is the only one that provides for the family. My dad believes therapy is fake so he refuses to pay it for me. My mom is doing her greatest effort to help me pay it since it becomes harder every day, especially now my younger sister is going to therapy too. I have had to rely on other sources of help when I am not understanding my emotions. I am sure everyone’s situation is different but it all comes down to it being hard to afford or fit in your tight schedule. 

Unsplash– Sixteen Miles

5 things that can help you instead of therapy

1. Journal

Writing about your feelings helps you understand them. It helps you go through them slowly. When you write your emotions it is easier for you to identify the cause of them and it is easier to let them flow through you. This will help you prevent getting stuck in your emotions.

2. Talk to yourself

One thing that has helped me a lot to understand myself is talking when I’m alone. It is therapeutic because you don’t have the need to keep anything from yourself and not say the whole truth. You get to see your emotional responses when you say certain things. This helps you analyze trauma responses and allows you to practice patience towards yourself. 

3. Read self-help books

Reading a certain kind of self-help book can give you the insight you need. It is important to do your research beforehand so you can find the right book for you. These can help you understand your issue and how to heal it from a professional point of view. My favorite type of self-help book are the ones that are workbooks. These will provide you with activities that will help you understand yourself better and move on from what is happening to you. 

4. Be more spiritual

Putting faith into something bigger than you always helps. Several self-help methods include a step that involves this. Surrender to a higher power becomes a great source of relaxation and peace. That is why being more spiritual and connected to everything that surrounds you not only calms you. It also brings you a deeper understanding of your and other people’s motives.

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5. Listen to podcasts

Listening to podcasts has been my savior lately. It is something to listen to while doing other things. You can be productive and continue with your life while at the same time learning about yourself. Depending on the podcast that you listen to, they not only motivate you to heal but also help you. My favorite thing about podcasts is that they remind you that you are not alone.