Why Learning Constantly Is Important to Your Growth
Why is learning fundamental to our lives?
Since we are children, we have always learned new things. From learning how to walk, to talk, or basic social skills.
We constantly learn in our daily lives, including learning how to fail. This helps us build ourselves and help us become who we are.
There is a difference between learning what we do each day from mistakes and learning from school, learning a few facts, or new skills such as math and history.
This can help us develop our brains in other ways than only learning from social media. It can help us make better decisions in our lives such as in our political views and how do we decide to judge people.
These kinds of decisions can change our path in life. They can influence the people we choose to share our lives with.
“Education allows you to turn your dreams into reality.”
University of the people

Education helps us build our lives.
There are skills that are necessary and valuable for being accepted in a university or a job. It is never unwelcome to have a few more skills and qualities that maybe other people don’t.
It helps us stand out from the crowd and be deemed as more valuable assets in the community.
Some people decide to continue their education and their instruction of skills through a graduate degree in a university. It is wrong to believe this is the only way.
You can easily learn a skill online in a lot of websites that offer courses that teach several different skills. Such as Coursera, Skillshare, or other companies that offer a vast amount of classes for a few dollars a month.
It is wrong to believe you always have to pay to learn since there is always a lot of content available from free sources such as youtube and a bunch of articles of valuable sources online.
So there is no excuse!
Acquiring knowledge makes us more confident in ourselves.
We feel smarter and in some way superior for having the information or expertise others don’t have.
This confidence encourages us to learn more and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in which you always have the desire for knowledge.
Education doesn’t always have to be about learning new things. You can also improve the skills that you already have and make them more concrete.
Finding a use for these skills that brings you something necessary to your life such as profit or happiness is crucial.
This gives you fulfillment which allows you to create pleasure for accomplishment.

Learning Stigma and Why Do People Deem It Non-Important
When it comes to learning there are a lot of stigmas surrounding the work it takes to learn something new.
This normally comes from the fact that we have been taught to learn a certain way throughout our whole lives.
Some of us might even have a certain despise towards learning after going through numerous years of education such as high school or college because we didn’t feel competent enough.
You might have felt like you didn’t truly learn something or that it didn’t stick to you. You might have felt that you simply couldn’t catch a skill or understand a concept.
Maybe you got the feeling that school wasn’t just for you and you never wanted to do that again.
The problem with this mentality is that we get stuck thinking that the school system is the only type of teaching. This doesn’t work out for everyone.
We all learn in different ways, some of us faster others slower.
Some have different kinds of learning styles you could experiment and find out if you are a visual learner, auditive, or spacial, among other types.
The fact that the school system is designed most of the time to teach one type of person is what makes it harder for the rest of us to adjust and learn. Everyone learns their way and it is important to acknowledge that. If you were not learning your way it could’ve lead to disliking instruction.
Sometimes we also stick to the idea that learning is also referring to only school subjects but we are forgetting about other skills we can learn, that we can choose.
The other part of the stigma comes with it being hard work, and it is. Learning takes a lot of hard work because it means challenging yourself and opening your mind to new believes and ideas as well as new ways to tackle problems.
We are forgetting that we can learn at our own time, you can accommodate your education to your needs when it is not with an institution. Although if learning with an institution is your preferred way of learning that’s awesome.
Some of us tend to like to make our own schedule or, move our education according to our lives.
Learning should be flexible for everyone, so don’t be afraid to find your way!
“In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.”
– Eric Hoffer

Why doing this changes you
When we constantly flood our brain with information in a healthy manner we stimulate it to keep it up and running.
This prevents it from decaying and eventually falling to those age-related brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s or loss of brain plasticity.
Learning constantly also helps you boost your resume and make it seem like a better attraction for potential employers.
Stimulating your brain can also help you be more comfortable with new ideas and help you come up with them.
When we are exposed to different types of information and new facts our brain can start thinking outside the box allowing us to come up with new projects with a diverse range of intentions.
The fact that we start thinking more outside the box can lead to a change of perspective toward the current problems of our society.
This is substantially important because during these times is when we need new ideas and concepts to help the world move forward.
Not to forget that working out your brain and feeding it with new information makes you better at conversation since you have more knowledge of the world.
Boredom is also a recurring problem in our day to day lives and we can fight it by learning a new skill or a new subject of our interest.
This keeps our brain stimulated and helps it not fall into unhealthy habits that come along with boredom.
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”
– Henry Ford

What happens if we stop learning?
1. We forget how to learn
The first and foremost symptom of not continuing our education is to lose our ability to learn.
At school, we gain a vast amount of skills. The most important one is knowing how to learn. This is an individual set of skills since each of us learns differently.
These skills have to be practiced and recurred so that they don’t go to waste and they keep on growing and strengthening.
2. We stop growing
Another disadvantage of stopping our education journey is that we stop growing as people while the rest of the world keeps improving.
We become stagnant. We stay where we are and we don’t move forward.
For example, we have all heard the story of how Blockbuster went bankrupt. It got stuck in its own idea that people would like to physically rent movies forever.
They disagreed to move forward with the world and the new ideas that were emerging. They thought the world was going to keep using DVDs endlessly and when the creators of Netflix presented them with the idea of starting a DVD by mail service they laughed at them and turned the other way.
Netflix now progressed into an online distributor of entertainment around the world for only a few dollars a month while blockbuster being the dominator of the video business of its time disappeared.
This gives us a clear reminder to be open to new ideas and learn diverse forms of thinking.
Learning helps us see into the future and grow to be better people with more knowledge of our surroundings.

Even if are constantly learning during our daily lives, there is no reason to stop learning other information.
It doesn’t matter if those are courses online or presential classes, paid, or free courses on youtube. Learning never harms us in any way so why stop stimulating our brains.
So what are we waiting for? Why are you delaying your growth and your wisdom?
Go search up a topic of your interest on youtube, look at self-help videos, get some financial tips, sing up for a course on watercolor painting.
Find whatever is in your heart’s desire to know or whatever you need right now to improve and go learn!
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seus
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Shanti Flisser
I agree to the 100% on everything and I think more people should get inspired to learn and expand their knowledge, specially now that the world is changing and in order to achieve your goals you need to adapt and LEARN how the world is changing.
Carola Romero
I am glad you liked it. The world IS changing and we need to do everything to adapt and grow with it.