
7 important features to add to your healing journey system

Systems have become the backbone of my life lately. By that, I mean that they have allowed me to live my life not in easy mode but in easeful mode.

And I have implemented them for everything in my life; from my daily cleaning to business projects. I also have found that we can use it in our healing journey, with a lot of success, actually.

To use systems in our healing journey means to create the space, habits, and steps that you need in order to live in easeful mode.

I asked myself what a system needed to have for me in order to help me on my healing journey.

These are the 7 things that we need that I found:

I consider each of these a system itself, but all together they would form a harmonic bigger system.

1. Journaling

Journaling is always the first thing that I include in every list.

It gives you so much potential and material to work with that it could carry the entire system. In this case, journaling allows you to get into a wavelength of truth.

If you write for long enough about a subject, you will start having realizations and reaching some knowledge about yourself that you didn’t know was possible.

It brings the first step in the healing journey, which is awareness and recognition.

important features to add to your healing journey system
Photo by Alina Vilchenko

2. Tracking your triggers

When you have been on your healing journey for a while now, you notice a pattern.

This is when you find your triggers.

And if you are anything like me, you keep getting yourself into triggering situations because you forget specifically what are the things that tend to trigger you.

Or you react from a place of hurt because you are not recognizing that it triggered you.

This is why tracking your triggers allows you to be a lot more conscious of how you are interacting with your environment.

3. Tracking your lessons

We all need some encouragement, so this system will help you see which are the lessons that you feel like you have made a lot of improvement in and which are the lessons that still need some work.

Either way, you are reminding yourself that the work you are doing for yourself is not in vain and that you are healing and integrating all those things that hurt or cause conflict.

4. Knowing the practices that heal each type of emotion for you

A lot of us have a long list of practices and rituals that we have tried in the past that sort of work for us.

Maybe they worked for a week and then they didn’t or maybe they fell out of your routine. Not all of these practices will be for us.

That is why it’s important to be honest with ourselves and acknowledge which ones have felt like they moved something inside of you.

(Obviously, some practices take time and effort to see results, so let’s keep those apart).

Those are the practices that you might want to keep track of how they make you feel and what realizations they make you have.

After some time, you will figure out how each practice helps you with specific situations.

Photo by Magicbowls

5. Doing check-ins

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Can you create a system for yourself that allows you to check in routinely with yourself?

What would be the questions that you ask yourself each week to track how everything is going?

Here, you can also discover new triggers and which lessons have you been making progress with.

6. Expressing yourself uncensored

Sometimes all we need in life is to scream at someone. But that wouldn’t be fair, would it? So what are we going to do instead?

Write about it.

You might think this might be the same thing as journaling, but no.

When we journal, we tend to censor ourselves a bit.

This is for when we are angry and frustrated and we want to do some serious damage. But we will not do the damage because that will bring us consequences.

Instead, we un-censor ourselves and write down all those things that you can NOT say until we calm down and we can actually think straight.

This system works fantastic when you are living through stressful times.

Photo by Los Muertos Crew

7. Energy readings

I don’t really know if this counts as a system, but when you use it in addition to all the other ones, it does. Energy readings with things like astrology, tarot, and intuition can be really good for the soul.

They allow us to know what energy we can embody to make things more easeful throughout the week. I like to ask what energies to support and which ones to avoid, as well as what I can do to support my healing that week.

A very important part of systems is the way that you use them. Sure, they can exist by themselves, but how they really do their job is when you make them easy to be seen and used.

It is important that they fall into your habits easily. If you choose to bring several systems together, make under one topic, in this example, healing.

Make sure that they are all accessible in the same place.