
Creativity: The Solution For When You Are Feeling Stuck

Why do we all have different definitions of creativity?

Creativity is a concept that a lot of us forget how to understand. We now see creativity as a hobby as something only artistic people do, but in reality, creativity should be something that we all explore constantly.

Creativity is often seen as something childish as well and not for “adults” but we shouldn’t lose that side of ourselves. For some of us, creativity is only doing things with paint for others you can only be creative when making music. Other people see their creativity as building new apps and others in their writing.

The thing is that there are no laws for creativity. It is something that each of us has to build for our liking and it can be very changing.  We tend to associate creativity with productivity a lot. This is harmful as it doesn’t allow it to flow and restricts it to only things that will bring a benefit to us. That defeats the whole purpose of creation.

What is actually creativity?

I view creativity as the flow of life. As a woman I know we are creators by nature. We women have the power to create and nourish life within us, so I have the privilege to look at creativity from an energetic feminine way.

When we create something whatever it is it is like we are birthing it to life. Don’t get me wrong other people can do this too but women tend to have it flow more naturally with fewer obstacles. Some people shove aside their feminine energy too much and forget to get in touch with that side of themselves and only allow creativity to equal perfection. 

So what is creativity if it is not making something beautiful or something that becomes a hobby? 

I believe creativity is the ability to have fun while doing things that sometimes don’t make sense. Creativity is about allowing ourselves to try and fail all over again without the need to get it perfect.

It is allowing ourselves to experiment with different things with our brains and with our hands. You need to allow yourself to make mistakes and go with that childish side of yourself that lets you go along with your imaginative impulse. 

Unsplash– Soundtrap

Why is creativity important in our lives?

Life becomes really dull when we stop being creative. Imagine a life that never changed, how boring would that be? You might be watching the world move along with all of the inventions and new ideas but you might feel stuck and your life may have become redundant.

This is because you stoped being creative not only in the way you do things but in the decisions you make as well. We need to be creative in life to not lose our imagination and our sense of fun and adventure.

Sometimes being creative can help us remember our childhood and that sense of relief and lack of worries. It makes life feel much lighter and happier when we introduce these kinds of activities into our lives.

Creativity is also a way of opening up to our emotions and to who we really are. It is a way to explore what we like and what we don’t like. This way it becomes easier to connect to our inner child and make an easier path to healing.

I like to view creativity as a healing tool as well. It has been helping me release a lot of emotions and energy that is no longer needed. It is a perfect way to express oneself and what we need to let out of our system.

How can you welcome more creativity into your life?

These are the three things that have given me “permission” to be creative as I thought I was only allowed to be productive. You need to surrender to the moment and actually let it flow. 

1. Let yourself be wrong and do/make ugly things

For the sake of these tips, I’m going to be using art as an example. You don’t need to make a pretty painting in order for it to be a good activity. You don’t need to use the right color scheme or sketch it perfectly before painting.

Allow yourself to do something random and even ugly. Do something that feels out of your comfort zone, something that doesn’t feel right.

Feel that emotion of messing things up. 

2. Don’t think

When you allow yourself to think when being creative you are creating a path to overthinking.

Instead, allow yourself to feel. What would my body love to add to this painting? A random leg over here feels right and what about eyes as toes instead.

Feel the imagination and creativity rushing through you. 

3. Do things differently

Finally, you need to steer away from what you would normally do to feel this creativity. If you normally use red to feel love in your paintings, try green instead.

If your brain is telling you that sticking to oil paint is the best, throw some crayons in there. The point is to not care about the result just about the energy that will be obtained from it.

Unsplash– Kevin Jarrett

After doing these things it should become easier to start the idea or project that you actually had in mind. Ideas will flow easily and you will become unstuck and open to creating something new.

Remember to let yourself explore and think outside the box.