
🔑 how to spark trust in yourself and welcome expansion?

Every day we wake up and we decide what is it that we are going to do every day. We open our eyes and our to-do list is already rolling through our heads. Most of the time it is very similar to the day before, maybe with some slight alterations.

As we know we all have the famous comfort zone in which we stay most of our lives. This is the zone in which we feel safe and when we exit it we panic. It becomes hard to trust that what is out there will be good for us.

We ask ourselves, what is out there? What is out there is a different version of you that is worth exploring. A version of you that pursues their dreams and that gets closer to their desires every day. A “newness” is your will.

But how do we open up to this new part of life that we don’t know much of and that we are afraid to explore?

That is where trust comes in.

The problem here is that we don’t trust ourselves enough and we don’t believe that we will be able successful and happy doing the things that we know supposedly will make us feel that way.

We don’t trust that we have the ability to get there so why even try? Then in comes the self-sabotage with which we believe that we would ruin everything if we had said everything.

Trust in ourselves. That is what we need to be able to get where we want and to be open to everything that we find new but worth exploring.

It does sound scary. Cause how can we trust ourselves enough to do something that we don’t know the outcome of?


How can we take that leap?

The key is to surrender, which is a different version of trust in my opinion. When we trust ourselves we let go of those fears and deeply believe that we have the ability to do whatever goal we put in front of ourselves without a doubt. We need to trust our abilities, trust our feelings, and trust our drive.

To surrender on the other hand is to fully let go of the outcome. To believe so close to our hearts that what is coming will go alright and that even if it doesn’t we will be okay.

We need both the trust and the surrender to open up to those new things that we want to explore but are afraid to do so.

Since this month we are exploring trust in different areas of life, now I am going to give you some tips on trusting yourself to leave your comfort zone and explore the new.

Here are some prompts to spark that conversation with yourself:

  • What is the worst thing that could happen if you took the leap to welcome that newness into your life?
  • What is the best thing that could happen if you do take that leap?
  • What are you afraid will change in your life if you opened the doors to new things and new ideas?
  • How can you reassure yourself that you have the ability to do everything that you set in front of yourself? How can you prove to yourself that you can trust yourself?
  • What things have you achieved in the past that were outside of your comfort zone that went well? (even the smallest things)
  • Would you be completely satisfied with yourself and your life if you didn’t open up to that newness?

To think about the different outcomes of our lives inspires us to see farther from what we think we can achieve. When we learn to trust ourselves, especially our ability to handle new life decisions no matter what happens, we open up so many opportunities for ourselves.


When we heal that relationship with ourselves, that relationship with trust we become someone who not only puts themselves first but also someone who sets strong boundaries with others and with themselves. This allows us to achieve our dreams at such a speed because we are our own cheerleaders and we are our own support system.

Of course, it is as important to healing our relationships with others as well, on the next article we will discuss the relationship between trust and aloneness and how the balance between our relationship with ourselves and others is very important.