
Loving yourself more the best advice you will hear

The best tips I have for a beautiful self-loving fulfilling life. A life in which you prioritize yourself in a healthy way and show yourself amazing love and caring.

1. Accept compliments and gifts without but’s

When someone gives you a compliment you have to learn to take it, they are giving it to you for a reason. I know that it is common for some cultures to deny gifts, but those that are given from the heart have to be accepted. Know that you deserve them and that if it is a compliment what is being given to you appreciate it even more. Say thank you and enjoy it

2. Respect yourself and put limits

I have learned this the hard way. Sometimes we tend to victimize ourselves in order to get something. This inturn makes us suffer because since we don’t ask for respect we don’t get it. In every relationship in life we need to set our boundaries and learn to not accept less than what we need. 

3. You don’t need anyone else’s reassurance to love yourself

Every time you think to yourself that you need someone to tell you you are pretty or enough to feel okay with yourself, just look at the mirror. Even if you don’t like what you see don’t look at it from your point of view. See yourself as the main character and the love interest. Admire yourself and remember that all beauty standards are imposed by the society we live in and you are only reinforcing them by telling yourself you are not worthy because of how you look.

Unsplash– Maddi Bazzocco

4. Don’t reflect the toxic relationships you have with some people on the people you care about

Sometimes we tend to project our feelings for someone towards someone else and are never the positive ones. This normally happens when we have toxic relationships with our parents. For example, if your dad is absent and you barely talk to him and he never gave you the love and support you deserve, you will probably live being afraid that your partner will do the same if he is a man. You will start projecting your fears onto him and it will worsen the relationship.

5. If someone want to give you love, let them

When a family member, friend or your partner wants to show you their love, just accept it, you deserve it. This relates back to point number 1, just that this time is with an entire relationship with a person. If you know that they have what you need to be fulfilled take it and never tell yourself you are not enough.

6. Never beg

One of the most important pieces of advice I have ever received. Never beg, don’t beg to be loved, don’t bed for the bare minimum from someone. Let them not give it to you, but DON’T beg. You will just look stupid and weak. I know it sounds harsh but is the truth. You know what you deserve and they probably do too, so if they are not giving it to you, say bye.

7. Don’t expect anything

We all have our expectations from people, but it can become a problem when we seek for them to achieve them. It can be tiring for a person to never be enough for you. Also if is the bare necessities that you are asking for, also don’t expect anything because you will be surprised how many times you get put down.Get what you need from yourself, you are the only person you should completely rely on because there is no other higher interest in your head that your well being. And it is that way for everyone. We will do what’s best for ourselves even if we don’t like it (not in a selfish, immoral and unethical way though).

8. You are more than enough for only being you

Reversing the role of the expectations. Now we are on the other side. Never be with anyone that makes you feel like you are not enough for them when you are putting your most. You have worth by just being human and being born in this world. Treat yourself like it.

9. Don’t depend on people

As I said before, normally the best interest for someone is themselves, so don’t depend on anyone if you don’t want to be let down. Especially financially, if it’s possible. In the society and way of life we have right now, money is everything for everyone and you can be easily controlled with it. Be careful.

Unsplash– Ava Sol

10. Don’t compare yourself

I think this one is more than obvious. We have been taught this since we were children; Don’t compare yourself, we all are unique and we all are different from each other. You will never look like someone else or be someone else, accept it. Learn to live with yourself. 

11. You can’t give your all because if you do you have none left for yourself

This is a quote from my therapist and probably one that changed my life. I am going to repeat it because it is pretty self explanatory. You can’t give your all because if you do you have none left for yourself. You, your well-being, your mental health etc comes before anyone else. You can’t love or please or help anyone else if you are not okay. If you do you are just draining yourself. 

12. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve

You deserve being loved. You know your worth. Don’t take less, especially from someone who is not treating you right

13. Being yourself and having confidence gives you beauty, nothing else

Beauty is something that is determined in each person’s brain, you cannot change how they view you, but you can change how you feel about that. Confidence is the one thing that gives you beauty in everyone’s mind. And most importantly it shows to yourself that you are beautiful, because you believe it

14. Do as you preach

Now, my last tip is, after having read all of the tips and you claim them and you acknowledge that you can become a better person by using and applying them. Do as you preach. If you know it’s going to be the best for you and is going to be beneficial, do them. I know it is hard to do especially because it can change how you think about the world and how you relate to others. It is definitely something that takes time and effort. I hope this tips help you live a better and easier life. I wish you the best!

Carola Romero

Published by
Carola Romero

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