
how to celebrate non-romantic love to keep an open heart?

They say that love is the opposite of fear, that you conquer fear by finding love. What about those that…

2 years ago

how comparison kills and how we are killing it in 2023?

The grass is always greener on the other side. It is not, and we know the counter phrase. The grass…

2 years ago

How To Have A Smooth Healing Journey: Become Unstuck

"I’m stuck in my healing journey and I don’t know how to move forward." We all have been in the…

3 years ago

5 Tips To Understand The Way Energy Moves

Energy is the source of our life. How much of it we have dictates how we act and how we…

3 years ago

How To Heal Your Relationship By Changing Your Beliefs?

What are your beliefs on relationships? So as we could read in the last article, our beliefs are those ideas…

3 years ago

In which ways do we sabotage our relationships?

What is self-sabotage? I would say that self-sabotage is a form of manipulation. But manipulation towards yourself. Because it consists…

3 years ago

The truth about being “too much”

What do we understand by being “too needy” or  “too much” Being too needy or too much is something usually…

3 years ago

How to manifest using gratitude?

Why should you show gratitude for what you have? Gratitude is a really good way to express the joy for…

4 years ago

How putting yourself first impacts your life?

3 reasons why you should always put yourself first 1. You are the only person that you can make sure…

4 years ago

Why love shouldn’t come from need?

Why do people have different definitions of what love should be? When we grow up we learn what love is…

4 years ago