The Secret To Creativity | The Tricks You Need To Know

What Is Creativity?

Creativity is a characteristic that we learn when developing as children. Is the skill to create new things and come up with new ideas. It is the skill that helps us come up with new solutions and possibilities for our day to day lives.

Creativity is a really important skill since it allows us to be original and to be independent. It helps us not be dependent on other’s ideas or advice. It also helps us perceive our world in new and different ways that open more opportunities and possibilities for us. Creativity helps us be innovative and it helps us connect different aspects of our lives together even if they are completely apart.

Unsplash– Diego Phl

Why do people believe is a thing you either have or not?

Since we are children, creativity has been stated as something that you are or not. It is thought to us that is the quality of our personality that we naturally have. In elementary school, creative kids are the once that are forced by their classmates to come up with ideas. This further limits other students by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy of a lack of creativity.

In reality, creativity is something that we learn and that we have to practice in order to use it naturally. The skill is regularly created in our childhood when we play and make-up stuff with our toys. To understand the secret to creativity we need to understand the different types that exist.

3 Different Types Of Creativity:


Originality is the biggest part of creativity. It means that we can come up with new ideas and concepts. It is what our imagination bases itself on. We grow with the ideas and are able to develop them from scratch.

2. Problem Solving

Problem-solving is the biggest part of not only creativity but of our lives. Our day-to-day consists of solving problems to not only create new things but new outcomes. That is what problem-solving creativity is all about. It is about solving issues with different types of answers. It is about thinking outside the box to create new solutions to our problems.

3. Emotional Creativity

This type of creativity allows us to express our emotions clearly and in a complex way. It is the knowledge that emotions are art and learning how to express them properly to convey certain feelings or emotions in other people is really important.

This, I would consider being the hardest type of creativity. Emotional creativity is directly linked to emotional intelligence. It has been proved in psychological studies that positive emotions are related to the broadening of the mind while negative emotions are related to a loss of focus and the loss of motivation to create. 

Unsplash– Kvalifik

5 Ways To Attain Creativity

1. Let your mind flow (do not put limits)

When trying to come up with something don’t put limits to your imagination. The secret to creativity, in fact, is to go extreme if you can. Even if there are limits for the project or idea you are working on ignore them for a while and think.

If everything was possible what would you do? Answering this question will take away your limits and let you expand. After coming up with your craziest idea try winding it down to make it possible or alternating it a little bit to fix your needs.

2. Tell stories to yourself

A way to practice your creativity and to fortify it is to tell stories to yourself. You don’t need to speak outloud if you don’t wish to, but inventing crazy scenarios in your head always helps to wake the mind up. Try thinking of a machine you would build if you were in mars or something simpler like a new type of food. 

Unsplash- Skye Studios
3. Change your perspective

Sometimes what you need to generate a great idea is just to think differently. Think like the person you are doing this certain project or favor for. Think about how would you want the problem solved if it were yours.

Look at it from different approaches. The one that always seems to work is to approach it the way a child would do. Seeing it from different perspectives will give you different ideas that you can later merge and accommodate to your needs. 

4. Ask yourself the right questions

The first thing to do when starting a project is always to set up questions for yourself. This gets your mind on the right path and helps you understand what you are doing and what you are searching for better.

If you ask yourself the right questions about your problems you will always come up with the right answers. Especially if the problem is about how you are feeling at the moment or how can you deal with a specific situation. Think about the actions that led to the moment where you are at. The secret to creativity implies that you set your goals first.

5. Practice

We already know that creativity is not something that comes completely natural. So what better way to get better at it than practicing. Instead of settling for your usual answer in your day-to-day life try coming up with something better and more fun. 

Unsplash– Felipe Furtado

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the secret to creativity is to think outside the box. It means seeing everything from different perspectives. It includes asking yourself the right questions to get the right answers and to not limit yourself. Whether you are creative or not does not define you, what does is what are you doing to improve it. Enhance your originality and your problem-solving skills by practicing. Never forget that everything takes time to accomplish and that not everything may come naturally to all. 

Carola Romero

Published by
Carola Romero

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